New Malls in «2017
The file was prepared by Mohamed El-Andalusi and Mohamed Hamdan According to the plans, seven retail and retail centers will be launched in the local market in 2017, adding to the existing malls, while observers believe that these malls offer wide options and products that meet the needs of shoppers and consumers and keep pace with demographic growth in the is Best property investment in Lahore is available. Meet the benefits of the World Cup 2022 World Cup. Observers of the economic homeland that there are fears of a deluge in the local supply of malls, especially as a number of malls are very similar in products without any new ideas, except for some offers and price competitions from time to time, which may lead to saturation of the local market retail centers And malls. Some of the companies offer grace periods and several facilities in the context of fierce competition between malls to attract tenants are likely to lead the new malls to be added to the loca...